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ARE YOU A KEY CLUBBER THAT WANTS TO SHOW your commitment without having to put in too much elbow grease? Our only requirements is that you can work well in teams, have great ideas, and have some Key Club spirit!


This committee is intended to provide an opportunity for young people to create change in the community. We will spread awareness of our Key Club ideals and leave a long-lasting impression on our neighborhood through mentoring programs, enjoyable engagement activities, and important young interactions. Together we will work together to raise money to favor the club’s projects this year.



The program committee is in charge of spreading the word about the wonders of Key Club and promoting a positive environment.

While in the committee we’ll be:

  • Coming up with topics for our newsletter

  • Creating content to promote Key Club events around the school and on social media

  • Planing other marketing/advertising techniques


The program committee is in charge of coming with creative ideas for entertainment in key club meetings.

While in the committee we’ll be:

  • Coming up with fun icebreakers

  • Planning picnics and events

  • Find interesting speakers, music, and presentations


The Service and Project Committee seeks to mark the self-sacrificing spirit of Key Club in the community through the implementation of service projects. Projects may include a wide variety of activities, from picking up litter to helping those in need, all of which serve to motivate ourselves and those around us to edify our community in meaningful ways.

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